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Andrew Harvey


"Raven is authentic, humble, experienced and inspired. She is a master teacher of extraordinarily rich and important sacred wisdom."

Melody LeBaron


"I've taken several Alchemy and Hermetics trainings and Raven Sinclaire's Hermetics course is the best–-BY FAR. She's a wonderful facilitator and skilled intuitive. I'm so grateful to have been led to her work."

Doborah Meitz, M.D.


“Raven is an extraordinary intuitive visionary and healer who walks easily between the worlds of the seen and unseen to give tremendous guidance.  She is also a gifted teacher, kind, generous, and loving. She walks the path of service to humanity and is a gift to all who come into contact with her.“ 

Blais Bellenoit


"Most of us experience a time in our lives when someone shows up in the right way at the right time and profoundly changes our lives from that point forward. Raven was that person for me. As a mentor, she's helped me to see and understand the potential and resources within myself and helped me build tools to fully embrace them. I would not be where I am today without her knowledge, understanding, and willingness to share."

Be Colonna Essert


"Over the last several years, Raven has facilitated three transformational processes that have changed my life. These processes have created a new focus for my life and brought me the knowledge that everything I do is sacred work. She is capable of holding a safe and sacred energetic container for those in circle with her to do their work. I know that I am a clearer, more solid vessel than ever before thanks to Raven's facilitation. She is calm, kind, and honest. She will hold your feet to the fire if required and offer the softest of landings when needed. Raven is a woman of vision. Of power. Of integrity. If you have the opportunity to connect with her, do it. I highly recommend it."

Lisa Morris San Souci


"Raven has a connection to other spaces and time beyond anything I have ever experienced before. Her gift is special and she is so willing and able to offer to those of us needing information and healing. My session with her put my life purpose into motion.” 

Teri Barnett

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"Raven Sinclaire is one of the most talented, intuitive, ethical, heart-centered people I know and it's been my honor to to work with her on various projects over the years. If you are looking for answers to life's puzzles, Raven can provide excellent guidance and insight. Seek her out to connect to your own inner wisdom and you will not be disappointed."

Ali Gailliot


"I have simply been unable to put into words the massive quantum shift Hermetics has made in my life. I recognize new awarenesses every day that I am different. Others notice, and frequently comment, on the shift in me. Life long patterns... patterns that yes, I've made progress on thru other circles and processes have just stopped. Just done. Over. I am so crystal clear about my spiritual path being the priority in my life and have set multiple boundaries, non negotiable boundaries , around that. I see so clearly the roles I play in life, the ways they are not serving me and one by one I am choosing change and growth. The knowledge has moved from my head into knowing in my body... the principles are guiding action and everything is changing... and I am not afraid of what that may bring. I know I will not only be OK, I will be amazing. I now know that while the Priestess and Magdalene circles with you were life changing and wonderful... THIS work is why I met you. I am so grateful that I am right here, right now, part of this."

Kevin Thompson


"Raven, you've rocked my world, as you have done for so many.  You burn through veils of illusion with unflinching commitment and deep compassion.  Thank you for sharing your potent medicine and helping to awaken so much love."

Barnet Bain


“Raven, this was such a beautiful session and I am very grateful to hear affirmed so much of what I know – yet there is power in the telling and having it presented in this way helps me to understand and acknowledge both my heritage and destiny.  Thank you for your enormous gift, and the generosity of your sharing.”

Marci Shimoff


"Raven, you are a bright light and a big heart. I just read through the notes for my shamanic session and absolutely love the message and feel the depth and truth of everything you said. You are such a gifted shaman and I’m thrilled for my journey and healing. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this blessed gift.”

Andrea Morris


“If you are wishing to truly dive deeper into your experience, clear away the clutter and begin seeing with authentic clarity, I point you to Raven. She is truly a master of her work and a partner in healing. Raven is incredibly supportive, masterfully intuitive, and truly wise and I literally feel like mountains, rather than boulders, have been shifted, moved and cleared.  I can’t recommend her highly enough and look forward to our continued work together.” 

Rebecca Chaplin


"My session with Raven was the most potent healing session I have experienced.  I note three things that made this session so powerful:  (1) Raven’s healing and heart-felt presence (2) addressing multiple dimensions of my being (physical, emotional, spiritual, past, present and future) and (3) her ability to connect with allies in other dimensions to provide information and assist with healing.  I felt a deep sense of ease and peace after our session; this sense is still with me today – one month later.  I am so grateful that  Raven has chosen to share her profound healing gift.  I encourage individuals who want support on their path to receive this blessing by scheduling a session.” 

Julie Eberhardt


"Raven has created an open learning environment for deep insights. Hermetics is a continuation of my path using the natural laws of physics and energy to live easier and happier. Since beginning the process, my personal connections have deepened with others and also within. There is a much greater ease and joy with life."

Theresa Lang


"Raven is truly magical! She has challenged me more than any person I've known. Raven has a unique ability to see the most beautiful and powerful aspects of each person she meets, and bring those often hidden qualities to light."

Lydia Muar


“My session with Raven was far more than I dared hoped to expect despite the wonderful references I’d received on her extraordinary abilities. Simply put, if she would have let me, I could have stayed for days. There were countless questions on the “How’s and Why’s” of the working of the universe that I am anxious to learn about and am confident Raven could be that very teacher who showed up at exactly the right moment to help me with this.  Although  I know she has  been told many times by many others, saying it once more can only be good ..… she is really quite something.  And if I may, I affirm that she handles her extraordinary gifts with much grace and enormous responsibility to her clients.  I so look forward to the lessons yet to come.”   

Chuck Brodsky


“I’d been feeling stuck and unmotivated around the time that Raven did a soul journey for me.  While I had no previous experiences with journeying, I felt a solid sense of trust in Raven based on the person I’ve come to know her to be.  I submitted fully to the process, and I walked away feeling cleansed and stronger than I’d felt in a long time.  Although I might not understand what took place, I’ve learned some things about myself from Raven’s explanations of the journey, and I’ve felt a renewed sense of purpose and mission ever since.”

Sheryl Rudd


"I was searching for my next step, knowing I wanted a deeper understanding of self, when I found Raven's Introduction to Hermetics.  I felt the immediate call and what a wild, wonderful journey it is.  Raven's guidance, wisdom and intuition facilitate these ancient teachings while offering a space for the new and unknown to arise from each of us. What a gift I have given myself - Thank you Raven, for being you!" 

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